This guide shows you how to create a newsletter subscription form using Gravity forms. Noptin integrates with Gravity Forms allowing you to add new submissions to Noptin, Mailchimp or any other email service provider that we support.

To do this:-

First, click on the name of any Gravity Forms form to open it in the editor…

Click on a gravity form to edit it

… then hover over the settings tab and select Noptin to open the Noptin feed settings.

open gravity forms noptin settings

Next, click on the “Add New” button to add a new “Noptin” feed to the form.

create new noptin feed

Gravity Forms will open the feed’s edit page so that you can configure the new feed.

gravity forms feed edit page

Give the new feed a name such as “Newsletter Subscription”.

Give your feed a name

If you have a checkbox on your form that users should check before being added to the newsletter, you can check the “Opt-in condition” checkbox to enable it. This way, users will only be added subscribed to the newsletter if they check the checkbox.

gravity forms newsletter opt-in consent

Finally, map the fields on your Gravity form to Noptin subscriber fields. While other fields are optional, you are required to map the email field since Noptin uses it to identify subscribers.

map gravity form fields to newsletter

Click on the “Update Settings” button to save your changes.

Click to save feed settings

That’s all.

From now on, whenever someone submits your Gravity form…

sample gravity forms submission

… they will be added to your Noptin subscribers’ list.

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