Automated WooCommerce Emails

Easily set up automated WooCommerce emails that not only help you make more money but also increase your website traffic and customer happiness.

automated woocommerce emails
new content notification

New Product Notifications

You can automatically send an email to your newsletter subscribers, WordPress users, or WooCommerce customers whenever you publish new products on your site.

This way, you can make more sales and increase your traffic.

Thank you emails

Automatically send a thank you note to your customers.

You can automatically send the email to all customers or only new customers. Noptin also allows you to only send thank you emails whenever someone buys specific products.

Thank you emails are a good way to let your customers know that you appreciate doing business with them.

Next Order Coupon Codes

Encourage your customers to continue shopping on your store by automatically sending them a unique coupon code that they can use for their next order.

You can choose to send the coupon code to all customers or only send them to new customers.

Noptin also allows you to limit emails to specific products.

Card Expiry Notification Emails

Reduce churn and subscription renewal failures by automatically sending an email to your WooCommerce customers whenever their card is about to expire.

Noptin allows you to set the days before expiry and use conditional logic to ensure that the right emails get sent to the right customers.

Automated card expiry notifications

Automated Review Reminder Emails

Do you have trouble getting your customers to review your products?

If that’s the case, you can set up an automated email that asks your customers to review the products that they’ve just purchased. You can then display the reviews on your site, which will in turn increase your conversion rates by up to 18%.

This works better when you schedule the email to send after a given number of days from the date of purchase.

automated woocommerce email to thank vip customers

Automated Lifetime Value Email

You can set up an automated WooCommerce email that automatically sends a thank you note to your VIP customers, whenever they reach a certain lifetime value.

This not only makes them feel welcome but also enables you to upsell them some of your latest products.

Finally, you can include a unique coupon in the email, encouraging them to spend even more money on your store.

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