Creating Subscription Forms

This guide shows you how to create newsletter subscription forms using our form builder.

The form builder gives you complete control over how and where each form is displayed.

For example,

You can use the form builder to translate a newsletter sign-up form using Polylang or WPML

translate newsletter subscription forms with polylang

… or automatically display forms created using the form builder after each blog post or other post type.

automatically display newsletter subscription forms after post content

Using the form builder is completely optional. If you would rather not use it, Noptin also comes with a default subscription form that you can display in your content using a shortcode, widget, or Gutenberg block.

To create a new subscription form:-

First, open your WordPress admin dashboard then click on “Noptin Newsletter > Subscription Forms” to open the forms overview page …

open the forms overview page

… then click on the “Add New” button to create a new subscription form.

create a newsletter subscription form

After you’re done editing your form, click on the “Save Form” button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Advanced Form Builder

Noptin also has an advanced form builder. To enable it, add the following PHP code snippet to your site.

add_filter( 'is_using_new_noptin_forms', '__return_false' );

You can add it to you theme’s functions.php file or use the code snippets plugin.

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