Newsletter Subscription Widget

You can display a newsletter subscription form in your blog’s sidebar, footer, or any widget area that your theme supports.

To do this:-

Open your WordPress admin dashboard then click on Appearance > Widgets to open the widgets settings page.

Open widgets page

Next, select the appropriate widget area then add the “Noptin Newsletter Form” widget.

add newsletter subscription widget to widget area

Finally, select the sign-up form that you want to add then save your changes.

Hide / Show Widget on Specific Pages

You can use one of two methods to hide or show the widget on specific posts, pages, and post types.

  1. Directly in the Noptin Form Builder.
  2. Using a plugin such as Widget Context or Widget Options.

Further Reading

  1. Don’t know what widgets are? Take a look at this WordPress widgets tutorial.
  2. Need more options? Take a look at our newsletter subscription form shortcode.
  3. If you’re using the new WordPress editor, take a look at our newsletter subscription block.