You can use smart tags in your form messages, welcome emails, or subscription shortcodes to add dynamic content to the form.

Noptin will detect the smart tag and replace it with the appropriate value. If the value is not known, Noptin will replace the smart tag with an empty string.

Example 1: Display the subscriber’s email on the success message.

Thank you! We've sent a confirmation email to {email}.

Example 2: Show the number of current subscribers on your subscription form.

[[noptin before_fields="<p>Join {subscriber_count} other subscribers already on our newsletter</p>"]]

The following smart tags are available for you to use.

Smart TagReplaced With
{cookie name='my_cookie' default='Default Value'}Data from a cookie.
{email}The email address of the current visitor (if known).
{current_url}The URL of the current post/page.
{current_path}The path of the current post/page.
{date}The current date. Example: November 4, 2021.
{time}The current time. Example: 10:41 am.
{language}The current language. Example: en_US.
{ip}The visitor’s IP address. Example: 8:8:8:8.
{subscriber field='first_name' default='there'}A custom field’s value of the current subscriber (if known).
{user property='first_name' default='Jon' }The property of the currently logged-in user.
{post property='ID' default='0' }Property of the current page or post.
{response}The form response (error or success messages).
{data key='UTM_SOURCE' default='Default Source'}Data from the URL or a submitted form.
{subscriber_count}Replaced with the total number of subscribers