Noptin has the following default subscription confirmation messages:-
Message Type | Description | Default Text |
success | Shown when someone successfully fills the form. | Shown when an existing subscriber tries to sign up again. |
invalid_email | Shown when someone enters an invalid email address. | Please provide a valid email address. |
required_field_missing | Shown when someone does not fill in all required fields. | Please fill in all the required fields. |
accept_terms | Shown when someone does not check the acceptance checkbox. | Please accept the terms and conditions first. |
already_subscribed | Shown when an existing subscriber tries to sign up again and the form allows updating subscribers. | You are already subscribed to the newsletter, thank you! |
error | Shown when a generic error occurs. | Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again later. |
unsubscribed | Shown when an existing subscriber unsubscribes via this form. | You were successfully unsubscribed. |
not_subscribed | Shown when someone unsubscribes with an email that is not already subscribed. | The given email address is not subscribed. |
updated | Shown when an existing subscriber tries to sign up again and the form prevents updating subscribers. | Thank you, your details have been updated. |
Change messages via the form editor
Open your form in the Noptin form editor and then click on Settings > Messages to reveal the Messages panel.
The available message inputs depend on your form settings.
For example,
The “unsubscribe” related messages are only shown when editing an unsubscribe form.
Change messages via the subscription shortcode
You can also set the confirmation messages directly in the newsletter subscription form shortcode.
All you have to do is specify the message type as a shortcode attribute.
For example,
The below shortcode sets the success message…
[noptin success="Custom success message"]
… while this one sets the error messages.
[noptin error="Custom error message" already_subscribed="This email address already exists"]
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