Translating Noptin into your language is easy.

This is useful, for example, when you want to change the text shown on the double opt-in confirmation emails.

To translate Noptin:-

First, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard then click on the Plugins > Add New link to open the plugin installation page.

add new plugin link

Next, search for “Loco Translate” in the search box then install it.

Install Loco Translate

You will notice a new Loco Translate > Plugins link in your Dashboard menu.

Loco translate menu link

Click on the link to open the plugins translation screen then select Noptin to translate it.

Open the Noptin translation screen

In case Noptin has already been (partially) translated to your language, you can click on the language to add or modify your translations.

Noptin translated languages

If you do not see your language, click on the New Language button…

Translating Noptin into a new language

… then select your language from the drop-down menu.

Selecting your language

In the locations radio buttons, select the third option to store your translations inside the plugin.

Choosing a location to save your translations

Finally, click on the “Start translating” button to translate Noptin into the language.

"Start translating" button

Loco Translate will load it’s language translation string. To translate a string, click on it…

select a text to translate

… then provide your translation.

translating the text

As you can see from the above screenshot, we translated the string “Please confirm your subscription”, into “Confirm that you really want to subscribe”. From now on, whenever Noptin tries to display the original string, your translation will be used instead.

Do this to translate as many strings as you like then click on the Save button when you are done.

Saving your Noptin translations

NOTE: When translating, always ensure to include the placeholders in your translations. Removing them might break your website’s markup. A placeholder is a word that includes the % sign.

Translations will be lost after updates, sorry

Depending on where you strore your translations, you might lose them when you either update WordPress, Noptin or the Loco translate plugin.

To prevent this, send an email to containing your translations attached in a zip file.

We will then verify your translations and add them to the plugin. This ensures that they are always available even after you update the plugin. This will also help other users who speak your language.

You can download your translations by clicking on the “PO” button at the top of the translation page.

Downloading your Noptin translations
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